8 years ago
In November 2015 Highways England approached Connect Roads seeking assistance in the delivery of noise mitigation measures, supported by funding from its Designated Fundsfor such. Highways England, working with DEFRA, had already identified and prioritised sites adjacent to its entire Strategic Road Network (SRN) for noise mitigation measures. Two sites were identified on the M1-A1 Link Road as high priority; one on the M62 and one on the A1(M).
LEAN - The challenge was that any mitigation works needed to be assessed, developed, designed and delivered by the end of May 2016. All this from a near ‘standing start’ of having over 14 solution options for each of the locations in November 2015. To deliver this required very quick appraisal of what could be achieved, to first secure the funding and commit to successful delivery.
EXPERT - Working with our Operator, Balfour Beatty Highways Services, and Highways England, Connect Roads mobilised a specialist supplier to assess each site and propose the best solution. This expert review quickly determined that the A1(M) site was not suitable for further mitigation measures, enabling the team to concentrate on efficiently delivering the M62 scheme.
TRUSTED– Recognising the benefits of this collaborative approach, Highways England secured the funding for delivery and instructed Connect Roads and Balfour Beatty to deliver a replacement noise barrier comprising 3-metre high, lightweight panels manufactured from recycled plastic and fibre-glass. The solution was 1m higher and 150m longer than the existing noise barrier, affording a greater level of noise mitigation to the adjacent properties on Railway Terrace and Common Lane in East Ardsley.
SAFE - The ten-week construction scheme commenced in March 2016 and was safely delivered to programme and under budget (total approx. £300k). The construction methodology and traffic management for the scheme minimised disruption to road users (no live lane closures) whilst affording maximum protection to the workforce (temporary 50mph speed limit and temporary barrier protection).
Following successful delivery of the scheme, Joseph Green, the Highways England Departments Representative (DR) said:
“… we held our initial site visits in November 2015 to discuss what might be possible and by the end of April the barrier was complete. To go from inception to completion in 6 months, whilst remaining within the agreed price, is a very laudable achievement. Even on a relatively small scheme such as this, we recognise that the same processes apply: involving the appropriate contractors, designing the scheme, planning the works to minimise the works duration and impact on the public and, most importantly, delivering the works safely...”
The above demonstrates the success achievable through a collaborative approach; benefiting the Client (Highways England) and its customers (road users and adjacent property owners), whilst also delivering a safe and sustainable solution.